
For More Information

 For more info on the activities of the duClay Chapter of the Embroiderers Guild of America, please visit our Facebook Page.  You can also reach us at duclayega@gmail.com.


The Thread Begins

Welcome to the duClay Chapter of The Embroiderers Guild of America blog.  Our Chapter is part of the Sun Region and we're located in Orange Park, Florida.  Thank you for your visit!

Our Chapter meets at the Refuge Church (4865 Roosevelt Blvd, 32210) on the first Saturday of each month from 1-5pm to stitch.  Our monthly business meeting is held at the same location on the 1st Saturday of each month at 12 noon.   Our Chapter also hosts and participates in many other activities.  We would love to have you join us!

For more information on our Chapter, please email duclayega@gmail.com.  Again, we appreciate your visit!


Flower Pin

After our March business meeting, our member Pat, taught the group a folded and sewn flower pin.  We didn't get a photo of Pat but here she is working the room.
This is Pat's sample.  Isn't it darling?
Very few supplies were needed for this project.  Just a few charm squares, a needle and thread, a button, and a broach pin.

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Here are a few of our member finishes.  Almost everyone had a completed flower pin.
We couldn't help but notice how perfectly Donna's pin matched the embroidery on her jacket!

Betsy Morgan Classes!

duClay started 2018 with a big event - we hosted Betsy Morgan for 2 classes in late February.  Betsy has announced her retirement in 2020 and we felt so fortunate to have her.  She is a talented and dedicated educator and it shows in her classes.

Our class projects were Maria Katarin's Stitching Reticule...
and Swan Bower.
These are the two pieces that were assembled in class and required pre-stitching.  Betsy has her own method of joining two the stitched front to the back and both projects used this method.  One stitched linen to linen and the other was linen to silk.  We also practiced several speciality stitches over the 3 days as well.  
If you've never taken a class with Betsy she has a teaching style that is very easy and encouraging.  She continually walks the room, giving feedback and words of encouragement, and making it simple  to ask a question.  Her teaching style lends itself to be beginner friendly and her projects are interesting and unique which appeal to stitchers of all skill levels - even the most experienced.  Our classes had stitchers who had never taken a class of this caliber and stitchers who have taken many, many, many classes like this.  Both had a great experience!
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Maria Katrin's Stitching Reticule is named for her daughter and the motifs taken from an 1844 Mexican sampler in Betsy's collection.  Betsy also shared bits of her inspiration for the Swan Bower project - motifs from two different samplers.  She will eventually reproduce this one...
...and another motif came from a sampler she came across in her travels.
Betsy also taught her twisted cord method that she's been teaching her entire career.
The projects are stunning projects and very different from each other.  Here are a few pictures of Betsy's models.   Several members completed finished the small for each class in class or overnight.  We have a great group of stitchers and experienced finishers and we'll be seeing finishes of the other items in the coming months for some members.  We can't wait!  Betsy's instructions are detailed and she has thought of everything to make assembly problem free. As Carol P always says, just take it one step at a time and you'll be fine!
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Betsy shared she also sells the charts and instructions for her retired designs.  You can see some of her retired designs HERE. Just simply send her an email and she will let you know the cost, etc.   As time goes on, she may have more retired designs so please do check all her blog posts as the link above may not be most current.

Our Flickr album with all the photos from this event can be found HERE.

We hope you enjoyed our recap of our wonderful days with Betsy!  We also hope that it would inspire you to take a class or visit hour local EGA Chapter.  If you're local to us, do check our older blog posts as well feel it would be clearly evident how any stitcher would benefit from membership. 


Our Last Event of the Year

In December, we had our last event of 2017.  It's an event that is very much looked forward to all year long.  Our Christmas Party where we showcase what we have accomplished during the year.  Everyone brings their finishes for the year and we get to ooh and aah and be inspired.

Our day started off with a luncheon at Ted's Montana Grill.  There was talk of the holiday season, family, work and of course a lot of talk about our beloved needlework.

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After lunch, we went back to our regular meeting spot and set up our show and tell tables with our needlework we brought to share.  
Each member got a chance to show what they worked on during the year and talk about any particular challenges or learnings.

We then had our annual gift exchange which is an exchange of a stitched gift.
Here are a few projects shared:
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Everyone looks forward to the drawing for the WIP Challenge winner.  This year Susan won.  Susan lives in Pennsylvania so Melody gave her a call and put her on speaker phone so we could congratulate her!  She actually answered the phone and the room cheered for her.  Congratulations Susan!
duClay had an amazing 2017 and our Christmas Luncheon is always a great way to end the year.  With our stitching sisters and friends who share our love of needlework.  The photos we've shared today are just a small portion of the photos taken.  Please visit our Flickr Album for this event to see everyones projects.  We really do have an amazing group of stitchers as our members!


Meet Pat!

From time to time we like to feature one of our members here on our blog so we can learn more about each other.  Today's member is Patricia who will be teaching A Taste of Beaded Edging technique to us in October.  We hope you enjoy learning more about her!

grew up in the suburbs of New York City and married my high school sweetheart .  We have lived all over the country and have two children and two grandchildren. Even though we have lived in Florida longer than anywhere else New York will always be home.   Before retiring and moving to St Johns, I worked as the Administrator in a physician office. fullsizeoutput_177d 
My interest in cross stitch, sewing and  knitting began when I was a teen and I was encouraged by an aunt and also a neighbor. But I became an avid stitcher while living in Colorado in the 1980s. There a neighbor introduced me to EGA and my horizons were expanded when I saw the beautiful work the women in both the Foothills and Colorado chapters were doing. It is a wonderful way to meet people who share my interest when moving to a new city. IMG_0800 
My favorite piece is usually what I am working on at the moment. I love needlepoint, quilting and cross stitch.  A few of my my favorites designers are Blackbird Designs, Plum Street, Country Cottage, Little House, and Lizzie Kate.
I have been able to participate in many Regional and National seminars and have done numerous group correspondence courses.  Each class I have taken has expanded my knowledge  and allowed me to meet many new people who have enriched my life. My all-time favorite teacher is Jody Adams. Her needlepoint designs were beautiful and challenging. She is sweet, fun and taught me to love making French knots.  
My other favorite hobbies are traveling in this country and abroad. I love snow skiing in the Rockies and snorkeling in the Caribbean, seeing Broadway shows in NYC and spending time in my favorite Italian city, Florence. 

Thank you Pat!


Box Finishing Class

In May our member Linda F from Central Florida came up to teach us a box finishing class.    Specifically the Chessie & Me book finishes that are so popular.    Cathy of the Inspired Needle ordered the cardboard books for us and members selected their own design for finishing.  In April, we had everyone paint their boxes so they'd be ready to go. 

Linda put together kits for us to include little pots of PVA glue to use.
Everything you could imagine needing was provided.
Linda worked the room and helped, gave tips, and encouraged us all afternoon!
Here are some pics of boxes in a variety of stages of progress:





We also have a couple of finishes to share as well.



Linda thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us!  We appreciate you!

See all of the days photos in our Flickr album found here.

If you are in NorthEast Florida, we would love to have you visit our Chapter!